IPv4-Internet services 2022 - the bad guys
If you go for IPv6 only today - as explained in the earlier post - you need NAT64, because a lot of the Internet content is IPv4 only 😭 But, if you enabled NAT64 for your v6-only network, you will - hopefully - not recognize the lack of IPv6. For browsers there is a very cool add-on IPvoo , which will show you, how you reached the website. In the case of NAT with the well-known-prefix 64:ff9b::/96 IPvoo shows " 4 ". Which is correct and wrong at the same time, but a good decision to have transperancy about NAT64. IPvoo is available for Chrome and Firefox. My list of the IPv4 Internet This is my 'personal' list of websites, which are relevant to me. Because I am based in Germany, you may miss some international domains. accuweather.com airbnb.com, airbnb.de aldi.de, aldi-sued.de, aldi-nord.de, aldi-kundenbetreuung.de, alditalk.de amazon.com, amazon.de ard.de, ardmediathek.de, daserste.de bahn.de github.com gmx.net, gmx.com, gmx.de hrs.de huk.de linktr.ee nrw.de ot...